
Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Prayer For Our Schools

Today’s education system has drastically departed from what God first established in this nation through leaders who sought His counsel. The Word of God once served as the basic element in educating Americans. The Ten Commandments were even displayed in schools as a guide to moral attitude and conduct.

The state of our educational system may look hopeless, but when something looks hopeless, it is evidence of a spiritual problem. Hope can begin to work in these circumstances. Hope is a spiritual force which grows stronger and stronger the longer we stand. Faith can begin to work in these circumstances. “Now faith is the substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Patience can begin to work in these circumstances. The definition of patience is being constant or being the same way at all times. As believers exercise these three spiritual forces, the Word of God can work to change the direction of American education.

Our God is a good God! He caused the captivity of Judah and Israel to be reversed, then rebuilt them as they were at first (Jeremiah 33:7). He can do the same in our schools. Pray this prayer of faith and set yourself in agreement with the Word of God for the restoration of God’s principles in all levels of education.

Almighty God, I set myself in agreement with the Word of God and with what You once established in American education. I release my hope and faith in Your Word. I patiently expect Your Glory to be manifest in schools all across our nation.

I come before You on behalf of the students, educators and administrators of the entire educational system in America. Lord Jesus, I ask You to restore honor, integrity, virtue and peace in American classrooms. I confess Isaiah 54:13: “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Every time I hear a report of violence and terror in our schools, I will say out loud, “Our children are taught of the Lord and great is the peace and the anointing on them!” And Jesus, You and I know the educators and the administrators cannot teach and run our schools without You and Your Anointing. So, I intercede and give thanks for those You have ordained and placed in positions of authority and responsibility in our schools across America. I believe for Your Anointing to be in them and upon them. I am not waiting until I see the Spirit of God moving in this situation. I am starting my confession NOW! I combine my faith with those who are also praying and believing for the wisdom, honor, power and glory of God to be demonstrated in our school system. I am releasing my faith for the next generation! Lord Jesus, I thank You for the redemptive work You are doing in our schools and in the people who run them. The students and teachers are on Your heart and they are on mine, too. Our schools will be a joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth! Nations will fear God and tremble because of all the goodness, peace, prosperity, security and stability You have provided. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Compliments of Kenneth Copeland Ministries