
Monday, August 2, 2010

Satan's Method of Operation: Distractions! Subtitle Don't Be Distracted!

Often times when we are believing God for something miraculous to take place in our lives, satan is waiting to throw you one of his biggest weaponries called "distractions". He will try to get you to focus on the distraction so that you won't focus on the promises of God to receive your breakthrough.

How many times have you experienced distractions in your life when you are pressing towards something great? It happens more often than not. Recently, the Lord spoke to me concerning school. Out of obedience I began to move forward with the Rhema word that I received from Him and all of a sudden the fiery darts of distraction came from every direction. First, I lost some pertinent information that is needed in order for me to complete the application process and secondly I received a bad report in the mail. All of these things are designed to move me in the direction of doubt, fear, and unbelief so that the enemy can contain me from tapping into my divine destiny. This is why it is important to stay connected with the source which is God. Jesus was able to defeat satan on his own turf because He was in constant fellowship with His Father.

We have got to get to a place in God where nothing moves us because we are so entangled in the things of God that we can't be entangled with satan's tactics. What is that thing in your life that the enemy insists on using against you time and time again? If you can locate it you can defeat the enemy the same way Jesus did. Satan is a tempter but God is a deliverer! Praise God!

Watch your response when things pop up all of a sudden. Rejoice and be glad and know that you serve a big God and if you don't you can. There is a prayer of salvation listed on my blog if you need to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Remember, when distractions come do all that you know to do in the natural, check your love walk, remember to forgive and release all that binds you. Get before God in prayer and ask Him for guidance. Thank Him in advance for your deliverance/breakthrough! Learn how to trouble your troubles and know that we (the believers) win every battle that we face! Be encouraged and don't mind the distractions!