
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Staying in Faith!

Faith Confession

In the name of Jesus, I am a believer. I believe God's Word. I am what the Word says I am. I have what the Word says I have. I can do what the Word says I can do. In Jesus' name, I render ineffective every negative word I have spoken, every negative thing I have thought, every word and thought that has been contrary to the truth of God's Word. From this moment forward, I will acknowledge only the good things that are in me in Christ Jesus. I am saying it now: out of the good treasure of my heart, only good things will come to pass.

Monday, July 26, 2010

An Affirmation For Prosperity

An Affirmation For Prosperity

*If you are experiencing any type of lack in your life it is a direct violation against the word of God! Read the following affirmation in faith daily or until faith comes. The more you read/say what God says about your situation you will feel yourself gaining more and more confidence in His ability to take care of you and your situation through His written word. Lastly, always remember we win every battle!!!

Since I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things are added to me. There may be a shortage of food in the cupboard and money in the bank, but my God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory. El Shaddai is my source. I speak light into the darkness. Lack of clothing I speak to you. Lack of finances I speak to you. Lack of food I speak to you. Lack of transportation I speak to you. “If God be for me, you cannot be against me. Be removed from my life and be cast into the sea”. Provisions, food, clothing and money, I speak to you, “Come into my life. Come into the life of my family. Righteousness finds it’s way to me. Healing finds it’s way to me. Prosperity finds it’s way to me. Financial blessings come upon me and overtake me”.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Featured Article: Winning in Battle by Creflo A. Dollar

Winning in Battle

Creflo Dollar

There is no point in trying to avoid battles because, in life, they are inevitable. As Christians, we are guaranteed to experience affliction, persecution, adversity, and trials. However, God has promised us absolute victory in every situation we face. Our job is to fight the good fight of faith and remain steadfast where God’s Word is concerned. By refusing to be moved from what God has said in the Bible, activating our faith, and rising up in the authority invested in us through Jesus Christ, we can walk out of any battle triumphant.

Many times, the dilemmas we find ourselves in have nothing to do with the devil; but, they have everything to do with the bad choices we have made. When we refuse to follow God’s instructions and do things His way, we can end up going through unnecessary affliction and hardship. But even when this happens, God’s love is in hot pursuit of us. His grace is His willingness to get involved in our situations and circumstances. We can have confidence He is standing by to help us, even when we make senseless mistakes.

How you handle yourself in the midst of the battle makes the difference. One of the most important things we can do is be mindful of the power of words. Second Corinthians 4:13 says, “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.” Whatever you believe, you must speak. Actually, what is in your heart in abundance will come out of your mouth eventually and make known what you really believe anyway. As it relates to the Believer, our faith is evident by what we say. If we claim the promise of God that says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, we demonstrate our belief first and foremost by declaring it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spiritual Warfare Prayers!!!

We know that the enemy uses people, things, circumstances, and situations to try and come against us and all that concerns us especially when we are fulfilling the call of God on our lives. The greatest attacks comes to us when spiritual fruitfulness is taking place in our lives. The enemy longs to destroy the plans and purposes of God because he knows that when we are walking in our divine destiny we defeat his plan. So join me as I continue to slay the enemy with my God given authority by praying these powerful spiritual warfare prayers. In order to defeat satan and his cohorts we must identify the enemy that we are up against! Remember, weapons WILL be formed BUT they shall not prosper! Now, let's put our foot on the devil's neck! Hallelujah....

Monday, July 19, 2010

Marriage Series: Giving Him All of You Through Intimate Ministry! Subtitle: How to Pucker Up When You're Plumped Out!

Hi Ladies,

It is my prayer that you have enjoyed my miniture series on marriage. We know that marriage was ordained by God; therefore, the enemy hates it and longs to destroy it. Therefore, we must not allow the enemy to have a foothold in our marriage relationships. It is vital that both parties work hard to maintain the marriage; however, if this is not the case then allow God to use YOU to turn it around!

Now, let's take a journey into the area that is most important to our spouses outside of respect. That is the area of intimacy! Every husband needs it and desires it no matter what is going on in our lives or their lives. It doesn't matter if you've worked all day, taking care of the kids, running errands, preparing dinner, etc. (you get the point! Sex is so vitally important because every time you come together in intimacy you become one in spirit. If it were not so Jesus would not have identified the woman at the well as being married. He saw her as one with the man she had been with.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Marriage Series: Call Him What You Want Him To Be!

Confessions for the Wife (to create the husband she desires)

1. My husband is the undisputed head of our household and he leads us in godliness and with temperance (Ephesians 5:23; 1 Peter 5:6)

2. I love, honor and respect him, and speak well of my husband to others. I also speak kindly to him for his edification (Proverbs 31:26)

3. My husband is faithful and true to me. He has no need to go else where, because I provide everything he needs and desires (Proverbs 5:18-19)

4. I was created to be a suitable helpmate for my husband. Everything he needs is in me. He lacks no good thing (Proverbs 31:12)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Marriage Series: The Power of Agreement

Hi ladies,

Welcome back! I pray that your holiday was a blessed one. Now join me as I continue to help you take your marriage to another level. God ordained and created marriages because it is a true representation of His love in the earth; therefore, the enemy HATES it! So much so that he attacks marriages in various ways. One of them being in the area of "disagreement". Disagreement is related to the lack of communication. There is so much power in agreement. If it weren't, God would not have stated in His word that "if two of you shall agree on earth..." (Matt. 18:19) or "can two walk together, except they be agreed" (Amos 3:3). You get the picture.

We all know that our husbands are the heads of our homes; however, they don't always make the wisest decisions. The bible refers to the wife as the "helper" which is also what the bible calls the "Holy Spirit". Wow, what a blessing to be compared to. Ladies, it is our job to assist (help) our husbands make the right decisions by utilizing the horizontal and vertical equation. Let me show you how.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Marriage Series: What Every Husband Longs to Hear From His Wife

Hi Ladies,

Now that we know which words should never be spoken as it relates to our husbands we can shift our focus on the "words our husband's long to hear". There are 25 of them as well. Let's take a look.

As a wife, I vow to speak these words to my husband as often as I should for his edification:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Marriage Series: Lesson 1-What a Wife Should Never Say to Her Husband!

Hi Ladies,
I'm so glad you joined me. I am excited about what God is birthing on the inside of me concerning marriages and meaningful relationships. Often times we tend to follow the idiosyncrasies that we've learned from watching meaningless relationships from our childhood whether intentional or by happenstance. Whatever the case may be the major issue in most marriages aside from financial would be the lack of proper communication. It is one of the biggest threats to our marital relationships because when it is not used properly it will destroy the human spirit. So let's start by focusing on the top 25 things that a wife should never say to her husband.

As a Wife, I vow to never say...